Feedback Time

I am rather proud of my magazine cover so far, I think it's time to show it to a focus group and get some feedback. With other people's (in the target age group) comments, I will be able to shuffle and edit my magazine cover to the exact (or close enough) taste of the age group. To kick things off, I wrote out an individual invitation to my members of my focus group.. It went a little like this:

Dear Ann Example,

I would love for you to be a part of my focus group and give me feedback on a Music Magazine front cover I produced for AS Media Studies. The focus group will take place on Wednesday the 29th of February in Mrs Lovett’s classroom at break time.

Thank you for your co-operation,

Amy Thompson

At the focus group meeting, I hope to give each member a copy of my 'Whistling Dawg' front cover in which they can analyse and either praise, but most probably degrade. Well, whatever they say, the feedback will be helpful, so I am going to film the focus
group session- then there will be no forgetting what they have said.